Work with Organization

The power of an organization is in its people
What if people could see fear differently?
What if they knew how powerful and creative they truly are?

I work with organizations to support staff/beneficiaries to operate from a place of flow and understand what takes them out of the flow.

And from this understanding creating results that they desire – whether that’s new levels of revenue, deeper connection with clients or inspiring a new level of leadership.

In particular, I work with young people 18+ in helping them get clear about what they want, and to take initiative inside and outside of work.

The power of an organization is in its people – so if you’re interested in exploring how we could create an experience that sparks a deeper aliveness, joy and creativity in your people (whether staff or beneficiaries for charities and social enterprises) then arrange a call below

Testimonial From Organization

Having worked with Dubem over the past year in a Freelancers Creatives Group, I’ve experienced first-hand the value he brings to the table.

Consistent, supportive, inspiring, and purely kind don’t begin to describe it. Dubem’s unique ability to meet people where they’re at while also inspiring them to move forward is a trait one often only hopes to develop – but luckily for us, for Dubem it comes naturally. In short, Dubem will always be the person I recommend to any team, any day.

If given the chance, he will impress, connect, inspire and support creatives wherever they are, however they may be as they continue their journey

- Rebecca Orpurt (Creative and Proposal Specialist)

Working with Dubem is refreshing.

He brings an illuminating energy into the space, is thoughtful, creative and can join the dots in meaningful and unexpected ways. He is an ideator, a collaborator and a leader and has a natural ability to inspire and inform. Dubem builds connection effortlessly and balances asking challenging, thought provoking questions with sharing invaluable insights and wisdom.

- Emma Koubayssi (Transformation Coach and formerly Head of Social Impact at Animas Centre For Coaching)

Would you like to start a session with me?

I serve fledgling young entrepreneurs and coaches who want to make a difference, who want to identify and pursue their calling, but who perhaps feel lost or unsure as to how to proceed.
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